Alpine hut

Since 1810 the Plörr alpine hut was used as a temporary storage for hay that in summer was layed in and drawn to the farmstead in winter. Due to mechanization of agriculture the storage is no longer needed, the hay for our highland cows is now already brought to the farm at harvest.

In 2000 we decided for a new hut and after several years of planning and construction, the works could be completed in summer 2007.

Since then, the mountain cottage on the trail to the Rittner Horn has a new job and is now available exclusively to guests of Plörr. Every Tuesday from late May to late October we hike with our guests to the hut.

Don't miss out on our special treats: traditional South Tyrolean farmer specialities, served in a pleasant atmosphere.

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Phone: +39 347 505 39 51
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Hotel Plörr is open from April 12th to January 6th

Hotel Plörr · Via Lahn 10 · 39054 Oberinn am Ritten · Dolomites · Italy · Phone +39 347 505 39 51 · Email

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